/** * This class contains class (static) methods * that will help you test the Picture class * methods. Uncomment the methods and the code * in the main to test. * * */ public class PictureTester { /** Method to test zeroBlue */ public static void testZeroBlue() { Picture beach = new Picture("beach.jpg"); beach.explore(); beach.zeroBlue(); beach.explore(); } public static void testKeepOnlyBlue() { Picture beach = new Picture("beach.jpg"); beach.explore(); beach.keepOnlyBlue(); beach.explore(); } public static void testNegate() { Picture beach = new Picture("beach.jpg"); beach.explore(); beach.negate(); beach.explore(); } public static void testGrayscale() { Picture beach = new Picture("beach.jpg"); beach.explore(); beach.grayscale(); beach.explore(); } public static void testFixUnderwater() { Picture fishes = new Picture("water.jpg"); fishes.explore(); fishes.fixUnderwater(); System.out.println("Fixed underwater"); fishes.explore(); } /** Method to test mirrorVertical */ public static void testMirrorVertical() { Picture caterpillar = new Picture("caterpillar.jpg"); caterpillar.explore(); caterpillar.mirrorVertical(); caterpillar.explore(); } public static void testMirrorVerticalRightToLeft() { Picture caterpillar = new Picture("caterpillar.jpg"); caterpillar.explore(); caterpillar.mirrorVerticalRightToLeft(); caterpillar.explore(); } public static void testMirrorHorizontal() { Picture caterpillar = new Picture("caterpillar.jpg"); caterpillar.explore(); caterpillar.mirrorHorizontal(); caterpillar.explore(); } public static void testMirrorHorizontalBottomToTop() { Picture caterpillar = new Picture("caterpillar.jpg"); caterpillar.explore(); caterpillar.mirrorHorizontalBottomToTop(); caterpillar.explore(); } public static void testMirrorDiagonal() { Picture caterpillar = new Picture("caterpillar.jpg"); caterpillar.explore(); caterpillar.mirrorDiagonal(); caterpillar.explore(); } /** Method to test mirrorTemple */ public static void testMirrorTemple() { Picture temple = new Picture("temple.jpg"); temple.explore(); temple.mirrorTemple(); temple.explore(); } public static void testMirrorArms() { Picture snowman = new Picture("snowman.jpg"); snowman.explore(); snowman.mirrorArms(); snowman.explore(); } public static void testMirrorGull() { Picture seagull = new Picture("seagull.jpg"); seagull.explore(); seagull.mirrorGull(); seagull.explore(); } /** Method to test the collage method */ public static void testCollage() { Picture canvas = new Picture("640x480.jpg"); canvas.createCollage(); canvas.explore(); } public static void testmyCollage() { } public static void testCopy() { Picture canvas = new Picture("640x480.jpg"); canvas.createCollage(); canvas.explore(); } /** Method to test edgeDetection */ public static void testEdgeDetection() { Picture swan = new Picture("swan.jpg"); swan.explore(); swan.edgeDetection(27); swan.explore(); } public static void testEdgeDetection2() { Picture swan = new Picture("swan.jpg"); //swan.explore(); swan.edgeDetection2(30); swan.explore(); } /** Main method for testing. Every class can have a main * method in Java */ public static void main(String[] args) { // uncomment a call here to run a test // and comment out the ones you don't want // to run //testZeroBlue(); //testKeepOnlyBlue(); //testKeepOnlyRed(); //testKeepOnlyGreen(); //testNegate(); //testGrayscale(); //testFixUnderwater(); //testMirrorVertical(); //testMirrorVerticalRightToLeft(); // testMirrorHorizontal(); // testMirrorHorizontalBottomToTop(); //testMirrorDiagonal(); //testMirrorTemple(); //testMirrorArms(); //testMirrorGull(); //testMirrorDiagonal(); testCollage(); //testCopy(); //testmyCollage(); //testEdgeDetection(); //testEdgeDetection2(); //testChromakey(); //testEncodeAndDecode(); //testGetCountRedOverValue(250); //testSetRedToHalfValueInTopHalf(); //testClearBlueOverValue(200); //testGetAverageForColumn(0); } }